Baby Shower Games by Python Printable Games
A Great Collection of
Baby Shower Games

by Python Printable Games

Baby Shower Games from

Name Game Categories
contributed by Amelia Mae H.

Give each guest a piece of paper, something to write with, and something to write on. Then ask everyone to write down a popular name (or not so popular) that starts/ends (whatever you prefer) with a certain combination of letters (example: names ending with y;my;mie;ie;an;nie;ect.. or names starting with am;ch;ca;ba;sh;ect..)

And give a time limit. Have a guest volunteer to stand up and read off the names she wrote down. As she reads them, if another person has the same name, that name doesn't count for any points. Play this game as you would scatagories. This is a really fun game to play!! Winner with most points wins a prize!!

Have Fun!

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