Baby Shower Games from

Nursery Rhymes
contributed by PMP

MENU: Cake marked with a "B", Hot Cross Buns, Cottage Cheese. For drinks I just used a fun color of Kool-Aid.

DECORATIONS: I used 2 stuffed dolls for Jack & Jill and set them next to a pail, which held the utensils. Another stuffed doll sat next to the cottage cheese and a plastic spider (Little Miss Muffet). I used a cute, girlish box filled with sugar and spices and a blue basket filled with plastic snakes and other boy things. I also boiled an egg and "dressed" it like Humpty Dumpty and sat it on the table.

GAME: On our computer, I made up a sheet with a picture of Humpty Dumpty on top and the guests had to unscramble various baby related words. We had a timed race to see who could diaper and then swaddle a baby in a blanket the fastest. I called this game "Baby Bunting."

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