Baby Shower Games from

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
contributed by Stacey

My sister decorated her baby's room with the words to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on the walls, so for her shower, we used that as the theme. I found wrapping paper with the words on it and used that as table runners over the white tablecloths. Centerpieces were terra cotta pots painted light blue with cotton "clouds" around the rim. Inside I put floral foam and stuck chocolate star suckers in that. Added some iridescent paper shreddings on top of the foam. I also made little chocolate stars wrapped in gold foil and put them all the way down the center of the tables if anyone wanted to snack on them. The suckers were favors for people to take home. Blue plates, yellow napkins. Turned out really cute. Cake was light blue with yellow stars and the words to the song.

A gift idea I did for my sister: I took a laundry line & hung baby clothes, hats, socks, bibs on it with mini clothespins. Good idea if you want to go in with someone since those things can add up pretty quickly.

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