Baby Shower Gift Ideas
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Exciting Baby Shower Invitations

Exciting Collection of Baby Shower Invitations

from Swoozie's

Custom Baby Shower Invitations
Custom Baby Shower Invitations

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Personalized Baby Shower Invitations
Personalized Baby Shower Invitations
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Baby Shower Gift Thankyou Cards
Baby Shower Gift
Thankyou Cards

from Greeting Card Universe


Baby Shower

Additional Invitation Info

Advice from the 8-Step Guide
Creating a Guest List

Baby Shower Q&A
Guest List Etiquette

How to make your own
Hand Stamped Invitation


Invitation Ideas
from our Visitors

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Baby Shower Invitations


Invitations are quite an important element of your party.  Sure we have said that about a lot of things, but if you don’t get those invitations mailed then there will be no guests ... and no party.  Pretty straightforward, and yet so many things can go wrong when it comes to invitations.  They can be misprinted, misaddressed, and just about mis-anything.  You can have too many or not enough, and suddenly you are dealing with a major problem that threatens to wreak havoc all over your shining baby shower.

Never fear though because Invitations don’t have to be that difficult, and it can be enjoyable to select them or, if you are a crafty person, to make them yourself.

Invitations usually come up at about 9 or 8 weeks before the date of the shower.  That is when you should know how many people are to be invited, where the baby shower is being held, and when it is occurring. By that time, you should also have your theme decided and a budget worked out so you’ll know exactly what you need and how much you have available to spend.

One note that I always stress when it comes to invitations, is that you should always buy the matching thank you cards at the same time. This keeps the theme consistent, avoids the thank you cards not being available later, and makes an excellent gift for the expectant mom (you can even address the envelopes for her if you are feeling really generous).

Invitations are considered to be the best way to not only invite the guests but also to set the theme of the party. In that one little envelope, you can inform a guest of all the important information, give an idea of the theme and let them know if it will be a refined occasion or a 'giggle ‘til you pee' fiesta.  You can also provide information on gift registeries and a note on whether the meal is a pot luck.

Now I did say that standard invitations are the best method of inviting guests, but it doesn’t mean that it is the only acceptable way.  Many people will telephone guests, but that can be a time consuming endeavour especially when it comes to call backs.

Another option is to send an email. I find that emails are wonderful especially when tracking down missing RSVP’s. An e-invitation can also be nice, especially if you download or order an invitation from an online card company. A hazard of the email approach is that your invite could end up in the spam folder because you used some trigger words in the subject line. If you opt for an electronic invitation, make sure you attach a notifier that will let you know that your invitees not only received the email, but opened it as well.  If you find that they haven’t responded by about 4 weeks before the party, give them a call to get a definite on coming.  Also provide a printout for directions and don’t forget to specifically ask for an RSVP.

Hand Stamped Cards:
Now that we have covered the electronic invitations, let’s look at making them by hand.  There are many ways to do this.  One of the more popular craft invitations today is hand stamped cards.  There are tons of stamping companies offering hundreds of thousands of stamps so you are almost guaranteed to find the ones that you need.  Stamping isn’t that difficult either, and you can even purchase prefolded invitations.

Invitation Kits:
Another wonderful thing that you can purchase is invitation kits, which provide you with everything you need from the prefolded cards to the little accessories that you glue on.  The only real downside to stamping your own invitations is becoming a stamping addict and having another hobby to support.

Printed Invitations:
Lastly, invitations can be purchased either online or through a retailer.  You can have them custom ordered (with all the details printed) or you can purchase blank invitations and write the specifics yourself.  There are some really nice invitation designs out there now and many companies are offering cards that even look like they have been done by hand.  It all depends on what you are looking for.  There really is something for everyone, and it shouldn’t be too difficult to track down the perfect invitation.

Once you have your invitation, you will need to stuff them, address them and mail them at around 6 weeks before the baby shower.  We have provided you with a mini checklist of what every invitation needs, so please review it below and make sure that your invitation has it all.

What Every Invitation Needs:

1. The Basic Information:  Date, Time, Location (with directions), telephone number (and perhaps your email if you check regularly), and any other particulars that are important, i.e. gift registeries, theme (if that will affect the gifts), whether it is a women’s only or couple’s shower, and if they need to bring a food dish.

2. The RSVP:  This can be written right on the card if you are using email or telephone for the RSVPs.  Remember to provide both a phone number even if you list email as the preferred method because there are still some people without internet access.  Also, the telephone number is handy just in case someone gets lost or can't make it at the last minute.  If the RSVPs are being mailed back to you, provide a separate card and stamped envelope.  The card should have the option of will attend or won’t attend and as a courtesy.  Please also ask for any severe food allergies to be listed and consider that some people may be vegetarian or vegan and require alternate food options.

3. Directions:  A detailed map and step-by-step directions should be included for those guests who have never been to the location.  Also add your phone number or cell phone number and the address of the baby shower on the top of the directions since many people forget to bring the invitations with them.

4. Proper Postage:  Make sure you put on the proper postage, especially when sending invitations to family or friends out of country.  If you put on the wrong amount, they will be sent back to you.  Some invitations may weigh more, which can lead to higher postal costs; a good practice is to take one invitation into the post office and get them to stamp it for you.  Then you will know how much each invitation is.  In the event that you need to send the invitations out of country, it is important to either obtain foreign postage for the return RSVP or provide out of country guests with an alternate way to RSVP (strongly recommend an email option).

And that’s it for invitations, sweet and simple!
Check out our guest list advice and some recommended printed invitations[Shopping Link]





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