Baby Shower Gift Ideas
Baby Shower   Baby Shower Themes

Baby Shower Games


Baby Shower Timeline

Week-by-Week Planning
before the baby shower:

Week 10

Week 9

Week 8

Week 7

Week 6

Week 5

Week 4

Week 3

Week 2

Week 1

For the day of the shower,
see step #10 of our

Good Hostess Guide to Surviving a Baby Shower

Planning worksheets
Free baby shower
planning worksheets

For a complete planning guide
8 Steps to the Perfect Baby Shower


Questions about Baby Shower Planning Timelines

Please read through the timeline sections in the blue column and then email us if there is an item we have not addressed.

Wedding Anniversary

One Week Before the Baby Shower

A Baby Shower Timeline to Simplify Your Shower Planning

The time to rush is upon us, but you will find that you won’t need to rush much if you have been preparing all along.

Everything is bought and planned, and it is all sitting nicely in orderly boxes.  The gift bags have been put together, the present purchased and wrapped, and now it is time for all the fiddly last minute things that will need to be done. 

This is a good week to delegate.  Get people to pick up the cake, flowers and balloons if they are not being delivered to you, so that you have less to do on the day of the baby shower.

Things to do:

Pick up the groceries for the party.  Don’t forget to purchase batteries for your camera (and SD Card or film as required) ... and, if possible, having a few disposable cameras is always a nice touch to any party. (After your shower, you can even send us your baby shower stories and pictures!)

Go over the guest list one final time to make sure no one was missed.

Prepare as much of the food as you can the day before to avoid having to do it all on the day.

Call the expectant mom to make sure that she will be at the party or, if it is a surprise, phone the person who is in charge of getting mom to the party.

Clean your house, and if you have any dogs or other animals, find a nice place for them for the day.  Some people are terrified of dogs and cats, and an animal getting into the food can ruin the party completely.

Double check your to-do list, look through the games box, the decorations, prizes and gift bags to make sure you haven’t missed anything.

Pick up the many things that you ordered if they are not being delivered.

Decorate your house if you are having the shower at home.  If you are having it out, phone the day before to confirm everything one last time.

It may not seem like much but the last week can be very hectic.  Since you have done most of it beforehand, you will find that the week following up to the day won’t have as many last minute details to worry about, and you will actually have time to enjoy yourself at the baby shower!

Go to a timeline for the day of the shower in our
      Good Hostess's Guide to Surviving a Baby Shower >>

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