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Poems to Babies and Children

By Norman
© All rights reserved.

First Impressions in Thirteen Haikus

We dreamt about you.
Wondering if you would be
Familiar to us.

One glance reveals all:
Face, body, even spirit
Express family.

Your face: mother's eyes
Underneath a broad forehead
Just like your grandpa's.

Already thick hair
The same dark brown hue as mine.
Ears like Grandma's: shells.

A wide, hungry mouth,
Ripe to drink each drop of life.
Thirsty like your dad's.

A chin, so strong-set,
Already juts when you cry.
Just like your mother's.

Soft, sweet skin like hers
Flushes rose-hued when you weep.
Again, just like Mom.

Survey your body:
Sturdy, like an oak sapling.
That body is mine.

Though small, broad shoulders
Show the man you'll grow to be.
Wide hips. Chunky legs.

Big hands for a child.
Big feet, squared like shoeboxes.
We're both hard to fit.

Spirit: fully formed.
Passionate when in full cry,
You know the world's weight.

Bright and attentive.
You watch every move I make
In full engagement.

Our Zen master.
Calm and centered since the womb.
Happy to be here.

Green Butterfly Shower

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