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Poems to Babies and Children

By Melissa Huffman
© All rights reserved.


Time and time again, I look into your eyes
And I realize the person that you are.
And I think of who you are to become.
Will you be president? Or actor?
Will you choose a life of simplicity?
Or a life touched by chaos?
And will the sun greet your eyes
Your sweet blue eyes
So innocent and untouched by war
Unknowing of inflation and crime
Unknowing of pain and fear.

There’s so much hope in your life
And so much meaning to mine.
Such little problems we spin
As we struggle to find a rhyme and reason
I have to wonder of my own mother
And what sort of life she spun.
Will there ever be a time when we see
This world through the eyes of a child?
Unknowing of a time when the world
Slowly turned to darkness and shadow.

Green Butterfly Shower

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