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Poems to Babies and Children

By T.L. Thompson
© All rights reserved.


I’ll protect you through the storm,
through the Springtime of your life,
when winds erupt with fantastic force,
and threaten to pull your soul astray.

I’ll seek for you in the fog,
when confusion becomes your shadow,
ever-present, ever-darkening,
but a necessary lesson.

I’ll keep you as you grow,
both in strength and in spirit,
and lead you through the process
of becoming who you were meant to be.

I’ll talk you through the fire,
when the road you walk is burning,
and it threatens your belonging
in a palace made of ice.

I’ll watch for you when you travel,
down the pathways still uncertain,
up the mountains of your wisdom,
and through the tunnels of your loss.

Green Butterfly Shower

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