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Poems to Babies and Children

By Jessica McDowell
© All rights reserved.

I love my Super Hero

I know a boy who worships Superman,
He can fly and soar when he comes to the rescue,
He’s almost invincible with his body like steel,
And he’s awesome in his big red cape!

I know a boy who worship’s Spiderman,
He can climb walls without any rope when he comes to the rescue,
He can shoot web from his wrist and swing from building to building,
He’s almost invincible with his spidey sense,
And he’s awesome in his red and blue spidey gear!

I know a boy who worships Batman,
He’s fast in his bat mobile when he comes to the rescue,
He’s almost invincible,
And he is awesome in that big bat cape!

I’m a boy and I think that they are all cool hero’s but,
I worship a different super hero.

She can cook great food,
She can clean up my big messes,
She can take me wherever I want to go,
She can kiss away my fears and hurts,
And she makes me feel loved and safe,
She’s Supermom!

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