Wonderful Selection of Baby Shower Favors
Wonderful Selection of
Baby Shower Favors

from beaucoup

Cute baby themed Photo Frame Favors - Girl / Pink
Cute baby themed Photo Frame
Favors - Girl / Pink

from Moments of Elegance

Cute baby themed Photo Frame Favors - Boy / Blue
Cute baby themed Photo Frame
Favors - Boy / Blue

from Moments of Elegance

Baby Shower Themes from

Mint Diapers
Contributed by Lee Ann

I was about 10 years old when my grandmother had a baby shower for a church friend. We made tiny diapers, I think to put candy mints in / party favor.

The diapers were cut into squares about 4" X 4" from pastel colored flannel fabric. Folded once to create a triangle, corners pulled together in the front.

Then, safety pinned with one tiny gold safety pin in the front and dipped in paraffin wax - I suppose to hold their shape.

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