Baby Shower Games from

Twins 101 Dalmations
contributed by Maureen

My cousin is having twin boys in July and her bedroom theme for them is going to be 101 Dalmatians, so I decided to make that the baby shower theme! I made a 3-tier diaper "cake," using 40, size-1 disposable diapers that I wrapped individually, and kept together with adorable Dalmatian ribbon 3/8" of an inch. (I couldn't find 101 Dalmatian ribbon, but the other worked just fine) I bought 2 adorable TY beanie Dalmatians that I used for the topper. Then I found these cute, Dalmatian clothed, wrist rattles that I attached to the ribbon of the 2-nd tier of "cake". It came out great! I had fun doing it!

To make the party favors, I bought white, 9" toile, white with black dots 1/8" inch ribbon, red curling ribbon (to add color--the ribbon for the diaper cake had a little red in it, also). Just put them all together! Have fun!

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